The Invest Salone Resource Bank brings together a collection of resources related to Invest Salone’s work to encourage investment, generate exports, create jobs and diversify four key sectors in Sierra Leone. Pooling resources produced by Invest Salone and external contributors, this tool will grow to provide a broad range of resources related to investing and doing business in Sierra Leone. Use the filters below to explore the resources by type, sector, topic and more.
Invest Salone Overview: Facilitating inclusive economic growth in Sierra Leone
Invest Salone: The fashion and textiles industry
This infographic explains how Invest Salone is working with businesses and the wider fashion and textiles industry to address sectorwide constraints to growth and competitiveness and encourage investment.
Invest Salone’s Technical Assistance Facility: How can we help you?
Through its Technical Assistance Facility (TAF), Invest Salone supports firms to become more competitive. Find out more about TAF and what the process involves.
Invest Salone: The agricultural sector
Agriculture is a critical component of Sierra Leone’s economy. Discover how Invest Salone’s works with agribusinesses and large-scale production companies with the potential to receive investment or enter export markets.
Invest Salone Technical Assistance Facility Overview: Helping firms tackle constraints to growth and exports
Find out how Invest Salone’s Technical Assistance Facility helps Sierra Leonean firms tackle constraints to growth and exports, by providing access to specialised advisory services.