Invest Salone facilitates public and private dialogue in Sierra Leone

Invest Salone has partnered with Breakfast Club Africa (BCA) to organise the inaugural Made in Sierra Leone Leadership Conference. The conference targets key stakeholders in the public and private sectors in Sierra Leone.

The conference which was held on the 5th December 2019 in Freetown, brought together key stakeholders in the private and public sectors to address challenges facing the business environment both at the national economic level and sector specific level.

The partnership is part of Invest Salone’s strategy to impact business reforms, create an enabling environment for businesses operations and to create jobs for 370,000 Sierra Leoneans by 2025.

BCA is a Pan-African leadership enhancement and business development organisation that is currently operating in Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria, Malawi, Rwanda and Sierra Leone.

Invest Salone is a private sector development initiative that aims to help Sierra Leone realise the benefits of international trade. The programme plans to achieve this through investment climate reform, investment and export promotion and market development. If you would like to find out more about Invest Salone’s work, please get in touch at

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