Invest Salone compiles research database on COVID-19

Invest Salone is compiling a list of studies on COVID-19 in response to the impact of the pandemic on the private sector in Sierra Leone.

The private sector research list can be accessed here.   

The aim of this initiative is to support collaboration and knowledge sharing between researchers and those who will benefit from research on COVID-19. The list will provide a summary of research objectives, status and point of contact for each item, and will be regularly updated by the Invest Salone research team to include new and completed research.  


Research by Invest Salone 

Alongside Invest Salone’s facilitation of the Private Sector Platform (PSP), which was established by the Ministry of Finance, Government of Sierra Leone under the COVID-19 Quick Action Economic Response Programme (QAERP), three business surveys have been conducted by the research team: 

  • A rapid business survey and a private sector survey for the COVID-19 response were conducted to build an understanding of the initial impacts of the pandemic and government responses on businesses. This research also informed the Invest Salone COMPETE Salone COVID-19 Recovery Window

Read more about this research here

  • A private sector survey on the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on agribusiness in Sierra Leone was also carried out to identify risks and recommendations. 

Read more about this research here

Invest Salone intends to continue collaborating with government institutions and the private sector to conduct further surveys that will inform government policies for businesses operating in Sierra Leone.  

The opinions expressed in this news article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of UK aid and the programme partners.

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